Violations within the domain 
Upon notification of copyright infringement, within the domain, to the designated Copyright Agent, the following procedures will be followed: 

  1. An email notice, followed by written notification, will be sent to the individual having responsibility for the account within which the alleged infringing material resides, indicating that the College has received notification of possible infringement of Copyright. Pending a response, online access for the responsible offender will be limited or terminated.
  2. Upon notification to the alleged offender, the complainant will receive documentation indicating that the College has assumed the appropriate action.
  3. The Copyright Agent will advise the appropriate College official (i.e., the Dean of Faculty for academic issues, the Vice President of Business Affairs for staff issues, and the Dean of Students for student issues) of the nature of the risk to the College in the matter. That College officer will determine what additional action will be taken.
  4. If an appropriate response is not indicated by the alleged offender within a reasonable amount of time, the appropriate college official will assume responsibility for the matter, and electronic access will be suspended by any means necessary. 

Violations outside the domain 

Upon notification to the designated Copyright Agent that Hampden-Sydney College copyright-protected material is being used without permission, the following procedures will be followed: 

  1. A written or email notice will be sent to the individual responsible for violation of the copyright.
  2. If that individual fails to respond in an appropriate fashion, the College will pursue further legal remedies to protect the College's interests.