Do our students get the assistance they need for academic success? Do they get the assistance they need to succeed socially? The NSSE results clearly indicate that freshmen and seniors rate Hampden-Sydney College's environment significantly more supportive than students at other baccalaureate granting colleges. Moreover, while our students sense an increase in the supportive nature of the College, seniors at similar institutions sense a decrease in support.

NSSE Supportive Campus Environment

Summary:  The experience of a supportive campus environment is clearly indicated by both first-year and senior Hampden-Sydney students. Both first-year students and seniors rate this environment significantly higher than students at other baccalaureate granting colleges as well as from the population of NSSE respondent schools. Moreover, the sense of a supportive campus environment maintains and even increases from the first-year to the senior year at Hampden-Sydney College, while both of the other comparison groups show a decrease in means of their seniors relative to their first-year students.

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Supportive Campus Environment survey

NSSE survey itmes on Supportive Campus Environment

  • Campus environment provides the support you need to help you succeed academically.
  • Campus environment helps you cope with your non-academic responsibilities (work, family, etc.)
  • Campus environment provides the support you need to thrive socially.
  • Quality of relationships with other students.
  • Quality of relationships with faculty members.
  • Quality of relationships with administrative personnel and offices.