Office Hours
Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Our office is located on the first floor of Cabell House (across from Via Sacra)
Accounts Payable Manager | Shannon Price |
434-223-6217 |
Accounts Payable/Student Loan Specialist | TBD | |
Assistant Controller | Brandy Puckett |
434-223-6219 |
Business Operations Manager | Marianne Catron |
434-223-6308 |
Cashier | Jennifer Cochrane |
434-223-6224 |
Controller | Cheryl Hill |
434-223-6218 |
Director of Student Accounts | Jessi Conwell |
434-223-6223 |
Executive Assistant | Sandy Yeatts |
434-223-6216 |
Vice President for Business Affairs and Finance | P. Kenneth Copeland, Jr. |
434-223-6216 |
Licencing and Use of Trademarks or Symbols
Trademarks and symbols associated with the College may be used as long as the proper procedures are followed. Merchandise must be processed or manufactured through one of our approved licensees. The licensee is responsible for submitting the product/artwork throught the College's licensing partner for approval. If you would like to do business with a vendor that is not on our approved list, please contact Ken Copeland or Justin McGregor and they will make the necessary arrangements to contact the vendor to see if they would like to become one of our approved licensees. To see a list of our current vendors along with their contact information, click the link below, then search for Hampden-Sydney College.
Vendor List
Unauthorized Use
If you are aware of anyone using our marks illegally, please notify Ken Copeland (434-223-6216) or Justin McGregor (434-223-7229)